Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day has been bitter sweet for me for the last 20 years and this year continues except with a greater sense of loss. While Christi and Bobby have been found, they have yet to contact us. Their silence is breaking my heart. I continue to pray that God will reveal the truth to them and hold them both in the palm of His hand.

When we found my father and children in February, I was told that my mother had died. This information shattered my hope for reconciliation and to tell her that I had forgiven her for trying to destroy me and stealing my precious older children. This conversation will never happen in this lifetime.

Despite this sorrow, I will serve Christ and recognize His tremendous blessings in my life. I have two wonderful sons in Michael and Paul. I dearly love them. They have both been great gifts from God. I can't imagine life without either of them. Yet, if Christi and Bobby had not been stolen, we would never have adopted Paul. My life and world would be a very silent and sad place without this young man in my life.

I also have a husband who adores me. He is my best friend. This man knows me - the good, the bad and the ugly - and still loves me. He blesses my life daily. I cherish him.

God has also blessed me with dear friends. Friends who call just to let me know that they realize my heartache this week-end and want me to know they love me and are praying for me. So, while a part of my heart aches beyond words or description, another part is filled with the blessings of God, family, and friends.

Paul told me that one should always look at the positive and dwell on those things in order to keep our minds filled with joy and laughter. Basically, he was saying to look at the glass of life as HALF full instead of half empty.

I have really lamented over the fact that Christi and Bobby haven't returned our phones calls. But, Mark constantly reminds me that now we have a GREAT hope. Hope that someday God will enlighten them to the truth and they will seek us out. This man operates in such amazing faith. I intend to borrow some of his faith as I think about my children.

Blessings and Hugs,


Graham said...

I have been thinking about you with the upcoming court day tomorrow - I know some of the hardest times may be yet to come, but God will walk you through each step. You do have three men who adore you - what an encouragement in anyone's life that must be - friends who love you, a God who blesses you and is blessed by you...and the belief that one day your mourning will be turned into dancing!!! Love, Danna
PS Hope to see you at Leah's wedding August 1.

Kearsmom said...

You are so right...Paul is a wonderful young man. And even though I've never met Michael, I know he is too, because he has you and Mark for parents. And Mark is such a gracious, Godly man. You are blessed my sweet friend. And God isn't finished yet! I am so glad God put you in my life!

Kristin said...

I have you in my prayers as you wait in anticipation. I pray that the joyful day is soon that you can share pictures of all 5 of your children on a Mother's Day. I am so amazed by you and your family as a testament to God's love faithfulness.

By the way, your family photos of Mother's Day were great to see how much love you have for each other- you have a beautiful family!

r said...


Leah-Joy said...

You are in my prayers Aunt Debbie, you and your whole family! We love and miss you! Hope to see you in July!

mdavies said...

You are a strong Christian example, Debbie. You are always in my prayers. I pray that one day soon you will be reunited with your children, but meanwhile, I hope that the family and friends that you do have will sustain you.