Friday, February 22, 2008


Although, I really enjoy TEACHING and will probably try to get a position for next year, I am trying to figure out how to fulfill my calling which includes being a Women's conference speaker and writer. I am in prayer.

I am planning on contacting a dear friend and a member of a church where we served at in Rome, GA who has this type of Ministry. I want to pick her brain and try to figure out my next steps.

If God leads me to take a teaching position next year to help out financially - I will do that without complaint. However, I have been very faithful in pursuing and nearly getting this degree which I fully believe God called me to do. When I started this degree, I was working on some devotions and wanting to really begin a speaking and teaching ministry.

However during all of that, I truly felt like I heard from my Father to FINALLY complete this degree that I had started so many years ago. I think that He led me to do this for a couple of reasons. First, I have always felt like a failure because I never completed my college degree. There was a deep need within me that God knew and understood me and those feelings. Secondly, I believe that He instructed me to go to school in order to prove Himself strong in my life.

I have tried to remain positive. When I was originally supposed to start (I had enrolled and paid) Paul had a severe asthma attack and was airlifted to an out-of-town hospital. I had to begin the following January instead of that August. One of my friends wondered if God was telling me that He didn’t want me to pursue this degree. That suggestion pained me. My God will use circumstances to direct us but He is never the author of evil. I felt that Satan was attacking my son, family and me.

I know beyond all that is in me, that God has literally carried me through this degree. He has given me wisdom and time and a husband who has supported me tremendously. He (God) may want me to teach school. Yet, I know the desire of my heart and I believe that God will open doors and windows and direct me as to exactly how He is going to fulfill my calling. I also believe that God puts those desires within us if we stay at one with Him.

If not for my faith and my dear husband’s faith, this family and our marriage would not have survived. Yet, we have survived and our marriage is a strong testament to God’s grace and His love. I think that God can use my life to speak to and bless other women about His faith and strength when all seems lost.

Right now, I am waiting. Waiting to see where God opens doors. The high school principal has told Mark that he would hire me but I would have to take more GACE tests to get certified in High School. That is an option. I know that there will be positions open in the elementary schools in my area. Those are options. But, I am hoping and praying that God opens now the windows of heaven and allows me to begin a ministry as a conference speaker and teacher.

I have even thought about applying at some local churches to see if they need a Minister of Education. I am waiting.



TobyBo said...

it sounds like you are at an exciting point... waiting to see what is next... and the end in sight on your degree... :)

Leah-Joy said...

Thank you for being such an AWESOME example! You are so brave! You and your family are in our prayers!


Deborah said...

Hope you will soon be able to take time for Debbie :)

Waiting with you in prayer!

I love you and miss you.