Saturday, October 06, 2007

Going nuts!!

I have been working like a nut cake trying to get tons of assignments done for a college class. I need to complete four more tasks in this class and study for a major exam that I am taking on Wednesday. Sometimes, I wonder about my sanity in trying to complete a year's worth of classes in 3 months time. God has been gracious in allowing me some decent brain activity in writing this stuff up. I have been reading so much that my eyes burn.

I was fixing to start writing a paper this afternoon, when Paul came in and told me that he needed a little help with three projects that he has due in Health and Physical science. That child of mine!! Instead of me writing my papers, I had help Paul find what he needed. He has completed one project and, hopefully, his daddy will help him with the other two tomorrow.

Mark had seven students pass out last night and five ended up in the hospital. He didn't get home until 4:30 AM!! He has been one tired puppy today.

Now... my news........ I am getting my spacers for my braces next Wednesday after my test. And, the following week I get my braces. I am not quite sure how I feel about all this at my age. Oh, well. Lauri's son Aaron doesn't know why I care how I look at my age. Oh, to be 20 again. I told him that it wasn't just to have straight teeth. It was a matter of KEEPING my teeth which are shifting. Anyway, I am praying that God allows me to say that to him in 25 or 30 years. LOL

I need to check on a roast in the oven and work on a paper.


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