Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The final countdown to school being OUT!!!

The last few days of teaching have been fun.... NOT! The 5th grade math teachers have been doing remediation for all of the 65 students (that's like a third of our fifth graders) who failed the CRCT (Georgia State Testing) in math. Of course, most of these students failed the 4th grade CRCTs, so this isn't a surprise. Since Friday, all day long, I have had a class of 20 some students who are very confused about math and several with major behavior problems. It's been a blast. Tomorrow, I will be re-testing this group of students. I do not know most of these kids since the students who failed the test were split into three groups and assigned to one of the teachers. I am so looking forward to tomorrow at 11 AM when I should be DONE with these students.

All of my business supplies have arrived and I begin my training tomorrow late afternoon. I have already had several requests from future clients. After I complete the training, I will purchase my business license and insurance. Hopefully, this will be a nice addition to our income.

The last day of students is FRIDAY!!! And, my last day of school is next Thursday. I am praising God for surviving an impossible position!!! This year has been so very unpleasant. But, God has truly seen me through this school year.


Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day has been bitter sweet for me for the last 20 years and this year continues except with a greater sense of loss. While Christi and Bobby have been found, they have yet to contact us. Their silence is breaking my heart. I continue to pray that God will reveal the truth to them and hold them both in the palm of His hand.

When we found my father and children in February, I was told that my mother had died. This information shattered my hope for reconciliation and to tell her that I had forgiven her for trying to destroy me and stealing my precious older children. This conversation will never happen in this lifetime.

Despite this sorrow, I will serve Christ and recognize His tremendous blessings in my life. I have two wonderful sons in Michael and Paul. I dearly love them. They have both been great gifts from God. I can't imagine life without either of them. Yet, if Christi and Bobby had not been stolen, we would never have adopted Paul. My life and world would be a very silent and sad place without this young man in my life.

I also have a husband who adores me. He is my best friend. This man knows me - the good, the bad and the ugly - and still loves me. He blesses my life daily. I cherish him.

God has also blessed me with dear friends. Friends who call just to let me know that they realize my heartache this week-end and want me to know they love me and are praying for me. So, while a part of my heart aches beyond words or description, another part is filled with the blessings of God, family, and friends.

Paul told me that one should always look at the positive and dwell on those things in order to keep our minds filled with joy and laughter. Basically, he was saying to look at the glass of life as HALF full instead of half empty.

I have really lamented over the fact that Christi and Bobby haven't returned our phones calls. But, Mark constantly reminds me that now we have a GREAT hope. Hope that someday God will enlighten them to the truth and they will seek us out. This man operates in such amazing faith. I intend to borrow some of his faith as I think about my children.

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, May 08, 2009

The school year is almost over!

I can't believe that this school year is nearly completed. It's been a difficult position to say the least. My principal gave me several extremely difficult classes. So, the year hasn't been pleasant. I am counting the days until May 22 which is the last day with students. To say that I will be relieved is an understatement.

After praying and researching, Mark and I decided to buy and open a business. I have purchased a teeth whitening business which I'll be operating out of a salon here in town. I pray that this provides needed income. I have student loans to pay off and Michael is still in college.

Also, I believe that running this business will allow me opportunity to write. Another plus will be more time with Paul. Now, I am not sure if Paul thinks this is a plus but I most certainly do!! Since Paul decided that he wanted to finish High School homeschooling, I will be able to spend more time with him his last two years of High School. This really thrills me. I so enjoy my youngest son. He is an amazing kid with such deep thoughts and convictions.

I hope to write more on my Blog this summer!

Blessings to all who try to read this mess! May God grant you wisdom and peace in all you do!

Hugs and Prayers,

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Paul and his mask.....

My sweet son does not want to get my illness. And, I don't blame him. He came into my bedroom last Tuesday to talk to me .... wearing this mask! I made him take a photo! The boy makes me laugh!

Well.... this past week my computer crashed!

The mother board is dead. Mark and I talked about fixing it up and increasing the RAM and getting more HD and then I realized it was easier to buy a new one. So, I bought us a Dell. All I can say...... I am not used to this Vista stuff.

Our other concern is getting all of our documents and photos off of our old computer. sigh. We are hoping to have someone retrieve our information.

I need to make some photos and load them into this computer. I should take some outside ones of Paul's hammock and my azaleas.

The school year is almost over. And, I am thrilled. I am buying a teeth whitening business. I will be working out of a salon. Hopefully, this will free up some of my time for writing and homeschooling Paul.

I am looking forward to having time with my precious family this summer.

Blessings and Hugs,