Friday, January 30, 2009

What have I gone and done?

I had several friends request that I set up a Facebook account. I ignored their requests until the queen, Lynda, asked me to do it. Anyhoo, I have about let it take over my computer time this past week. And, that really must stop. I enjoy my blog! Really I do. And, I enjoy visiting on my board: Christian-Moms.

This week has been a rather LONG week at work. The students were in rare form. Also, we tested all week long and they were sick of it as were their math teachers. I have a fun math project planned for Monday.

I have been trying to get sick all week long. And, I accomplished it. sigh. I called in sick for the first time this morning. Of course, I felt extremely guilty about it all day long. I think that some little gremlins came and rubbed sandpaper inside my throat when I was sleeping. I can't stop coughing even with taking cough meds.

Please read Aaron's blog that I just added to my blog links. This is about the son of a dear, dear friend who is studying in Scotland this semester. I really got tickled reading his account of the travel there and his first days.

So, that's about all that I am going to say tonight. Oh, if you Facebook - add me as a friend.

Blessings and prayers sent to each of you,


Leah-Joy said...

I hope that you get to feeling better and I will friend you on facebook. It is nice, but, I really enjoy my blogs (OH! It is so cool to say "blogs!")!


Debbie B said...

It's my real name!