Mark and I accomplished a few GOOD things like painting both boys' rooms and their bathrooms and the hallway. We also managed to clean out our garage. That was one hot dirty job! We also both worked a five day VBS at our church and were the special music for the reception honoring our prior pastor.
My friend Linda visited from Florida. Unfortunately, her trip was cut short due to her mother getting very ill. Please pray for Linda and her mom. Her mom was released to a hospice.
My friend, Lauri, and two of her teens came down for a visit for nine days. We managed to get to Tybee Island for a couple of days while they were here. Several of us got burned. Ouch! We had a great 4th of July celebrating with a BBQ and fireworks.
Paul completed summer school where he made excellent grades and then headed to North Carolina to Boy Scout Camp. Paul went to Calhoun traveling with Lauri's son and then I followed traveling with Lauri and her daughter a few days later. While in Calhoun, I managed to get a visit with Deborah and her family and learn the details of their upcoming adoption. Mark met us in Macon today. I phoned a dear friend that I hadn't seen in several years when I saw the Warner Robbins sign and we went by their new house for a visit. It was great seeing Danna and Herb.
Michael has been busy taking college classes all summer and his only break was a trip to Atlanta to Six Flags with a group of friends from his church.
Mark, me and Paul at the Crab Shack.
Me and Linda. The food was GOOD!!
Lauri, Rachel and Taylor in the woods across the street from my house.

Taylor standing on a rotting bridge rail in the woods.

An interesting log. I see a dragon!

Taylor, Rachel and Lauri at Tybee.

A very fat woman standing with my sweet husband. And, what's even more scary... the old gal doesn't have on any make-up!!

Rachel and Paul fixing to go out Ballroom dancing.

Two dapper young men, Levi and Paul, ready to break some sweet girls' hearts.

The entire gang trying to leave but some MOM is insisting on pictures!

Marigrace, Lauri, me and Deborah trying the "put your hands on your hips to look skinny trick" however, I don't think it worked on me.

How fun! Great pictures!
Hey, the pics are great! (Tell Paul it's good to see him smiling -he's quite dapper!);) Everyone looks like they are having a great time - makes me miss old times in Rome. I'll be checking on your blog and even posting from time to time! Love ya. (Graham is my "grandmother name.")
Oh, by the way, Graham is Danna if you didn't guess already.
It's me again. You left the paper with the girls' blog addresses, so here they are. Saige: Leah:
We had so much fun!!
I enjoyed these beautiful pictures...the beach looked just lovely. You are a precious, BEAUTIFUL friend...
I love you!
Thanks for giving me the girls' Blogs again. I went to both of theirs yesterday. It was so good to see you and Herb. I really want us to plan another visit. We really aren't that far apart. I am SO happy to be living in my sweet Georgia again.
Love you,
Great pictures! Sounds like you sure were busy! Looks like a fun time, though.
I LOVE the pictures of the kids!!!
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