Friday, May 30, 2008

Yellow Roses

I love roses. My sweet husband knows that I love fresh cut flowers in my house. They bring me joy and provide beauty to our home. Today when Mark came in from work, he presented me with a bouquet of wonderful long-stemmed yellow roses. His gift took me by surprise so I asked him why he had brought me the roses.

His answer, "I know how much you love roses. When I saw them today, I thought of you and bought them."

I am so blessed to have a husband who brings me roses just because. I love this man.

I put the roses in an old iced tea pitcher that was my Grandmother's. She grew the most beautiful roses.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Yesterday, I wanted to show Paul the pictures that I had taken of our pets. He came into my office and I opened the picture file. Of course, he saw the ones of his messy room (I spared y'all those) and him and Michael sleeping.

He looked at me rather puzzled and said, "Mom, you are so weird! Why would you sneak into my room and take pictures of me sleeping? I really don't understand."

In my defense, I didn't sneak into his room.

LOL!! BTW, I didn't tell him that I posted those pictures on my Blog yesterday.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Morning Colors....

I love spring. I enjoy those gentle morning hours when the air is filled with a sweet stillness and the dew is still on the flowers. I was out on the screened-in-porch this morning after Mark had left for work. I was talking to our pets while I drank my coffee. I had taken my camera in order to try and get some photos of the birds but the pets got my attention instead.

Splenda saw me and came up from the woods.

Here she is telling me hello!

This is our "puppy" Daisy. She is Minnie's baby.

This is our Minnie. We got her from a cousin who raised doxies after Mark's daddy died.

As I was looking around I noticed the colors. The color of the still pond with the trees' shadows casting a gray hue. The trees' leaves were rich shades of green since we have not had any lack of rain. The earth was filled with God's glorious artistry.

The pond and our picnic table where Paul will spend lazy afternoons fishing with his friends.

Trees near the pond flourish since they have a ready supply of water.

The mighty oak.

Next, I decided to wander around to the front of our home and check out the Easter lilies that I had planted last year.

Notice, the lilies are still wet with the morning dew! Their fragrance is sweet.

Here are a few more shots of some of my basket flowers and plants.

I like the delicate ruffled edges of the Africa violet's flowers.

More Basket plants.

As I came back into my quiet house, I decided to check on my sons. Both are done with this semester's classes. However, Paul begins summer school in June and Michael will be starting a summer session in college in a week or so.

My sleeping beauties! NOT!! Won't they just love me for posting these great shots?


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Week 2: Writing Challenge

"If this blog entry could catch your family's undivided attention and they would take to heart what they read, what is the one thing you would want to say to them?"

If you take part, please leave a note in my comments. Thanks!

This question came from Karren and it's not easy to answer. There are so many things that I would want to make sure that my family (I am thinking immediate and/or children) to take to heart. I would want all four of them to know that I love and pray for each of them. My desire for their lives to is for them to live a life honoring God and bringing praise to His Name. However, the most important message to my family would be a life lived in faith. I want my family to know that even during the most painful times in life that God's provision, care, salvation and love it real. "Faith is the substance is the things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Loved ones, trusted family members, and friends can fail you but God is always trustworthy. Don't confuse God's speaking with circumstances. God is never changing. He is stable. Sometimes, God does speak to us through our circumstances BUT there are times when those circumstances are set up as a stumbling block. In order to be able to know and see the difference, STAY in the Word, STAY in fellowship with other believers, and ALWAYS pray without ceasing.

Daily I feel my Savior's presence. I want my family to know this as a fact. I want each of them to experience a true and vital relationship with Christ.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday's Feast

A friend from my board gave the link to Friday's Feast. I thought that I would play - at least this Friday.

Feast One Hundred & Ninety One
May 16, 2008.


What is the nearest big city to your home?

We are right between Savannah and Macon.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets?

Ummm, well.... maybe an 8.


Describe your hair (color, texture, length).

My hair has lots of lots of blond highlights. It is very soft, thick hair and past my shoulders in length. Honestly, I really like my hair.

Main Course

What kind of driver are you? Courteous? Aggressive? Slow?

I am an aggressive but courteous driver. No road rage here. No one would describe my driving as slow. LOL


When was the last time you had a really bad week?

One of the weeks while student teaching back in April. I was so sick and having to be observed. It was the pits!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another Blast from the Past

You’re Beautiful (written 8 years ago in 2000)

Last night, Mark and I got in late. We had been in Port Charlotte teaching English and reading classes to the Hispanic players on the Texas Rangers’ farm team. After completing the classes, we grabbed a dinner and went to the store. I checked on the boys when we walked in the house and then went to my room to chill out for a few minutes. I washed my face and put on my robe.

My almost eight-year-old son was in the breakfast room eating my left-over steak from the restaurant. He should have been in bed but he wasn’t.

“Paul, is that good?” I inquired as I was passing through the room. He stopped eating and looked up at me. I was going to tell him to go brush his teeth and get in bed when he held out his arms for a hug. Of course, I had to hug him. It’s one of those perks you get when you are a mom.

He wrapped those skinny little boy arms about my neck and then surprised me with a kiss. I smiled down at my son. I was thinking how much I loved being a mother. As I was about to walk out of the room, my son looked at me and said, “Mom, you’re beautiful.”

His statement took me by shock. Here I was wearing a fuzzy yellow robe, house shoes, and NO makeup! I managed to thank him because I realized he meant it. There was no hidden agenda. To my little boy, I was beautiful. Then he added, “Mom, would you hold me for a minute? You are so soft and snuggly in that robe. I would like to just sit in your lap.”

Nothing thrills my heart more than when one of my children just wants to be near me – just to sit in my lap. I love it when all they want is me. Yes, those are the times I would give them the world.

As I was holding my precious son last night, God spoke to me. After a busy, long day I was finally still and not asleep. It was a perfect opportunity for my Father to speak. Very quietly, very gently, God stepped into my living room. My Father looked down and He smiled at me and asked, “Debbie, when’s the last time you just climbed up in my lap? When’s the last time you told me that I was wonderful and you didn’t want a thing? Child, sometimes I want my perks for being your Father. Sometimes, I want your arms around my neck.”

Often, the cares of this life press in on us so tightly we forget that we have a Father who loves us. We get so consumed with doing and going, we ignore the One that we are serving. We neglect our relationship with our God and then we wonder where our passion has gone. We long for our joy and peace to return but we’re too tired and busy to stop and figure out what’s wrong. We tell everyone that we love the Father but we forget to tell the Father. I am so glad that my Father still speaks to me. He speaks words of love. He loves me because I’m His kid.

The ordinary things in our lives, the people that we take for granted are usually our burning bush! My living room chair was the bush. My son was the flame. Suddenly, I was on Holy Ground. God was in the room reminding me that I needed Him.

Thank you, Lord, for speaking to me through my child. I really need to spend some more time with you. I need to cuddle up and just let You hold me. Thanks for reminding me that this daughter can still sit in her Father’s Lap.

Oh, and Dad, You’re beautiful.

Paul and Me

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Writing Challenge #1:

List 5 things you and your husband do for each other in your marriage that are sweet habits you've developed over the years.

**If you take part in this challenge on your Blog, please tell me in my comments! Thanks.

1. Mark makes me coffee every morning! He usually pours it for me and brings it to me.

2. We read the Bible and pray together to begin our days. Well, Mark reads and I listen.

3. I sign his cards: Love, Your First Wife. Often, he will refer to me during a sermon or a choir rehearsal as his first wife. That can confuse new folks!

4. After 28 years of marriage, he still opens every door and car door for me. He has always treated me with such respect and gentleness.

5. We support each other in our endeavors. Example: I have tried to attend nearly all of Mark's concerts and musical performances over the years.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Journal - July 23, 1991, 6:00 PM: Memories from the Past

A friend pulled a page from her journal and posted it on her Blog. I loved what she shared and decided that I might do some of that type of sharing. I intended to share one of my sweet fun memories; however, I pulled some of my older writings out and saw this one. Mother's Day causes me to reflect and remember. So, this is what y'all get to see - me at my weakest.

A Very Young and Naive Baskin Family

I opened my eyes to the morning
Hoping, always, that this would be the day.
The day of reunion
The day of joy.
Joy in the finding of my two lost children,
And also joy in knowing that I have truly forgiven my parents.

Evening is about to come,
Still no word.
The phone rings,
But not them.
No one has news.
As night falls I waiver in faith.

I do not know if they will ever be restored in this life.
But life continues.
Sometimes, it is so very hard.
Sometimes, I think I will never experience joy again.

Then -
Michael comes into the room
Bringing with him laughter and questions.

Then –
My husband comes home
And I know how lucky I am to have him.

Then –
I pray and suddenly I hear a still small voice
Saying –

Be still and know that I am Lord.
Do not be afraid.
I am here, always.

So now I close my eyes to sleep.
Perhaps I will dream and see their faces
Perhaps I will hear their voices
And touch their hands.

Or perhaps Jesus will simply love me –
Hold me-
For the morning is coming,
And I need His strength.
Strength to live,
Strength to laugh,
Strength to cry,
Strength to endure.

Will I see them again while they are children?
Please Lord comfort my children and let them know
That we love them dearly.
Thank you, God.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Ramblings

Mother’s Day is an extremely bittersweet day for me. I am grateful for my sons who I can see, hug, and hear. They bring me joy and laughter and sometimes, a few other emotions that I won’t speak of today. (hehe) However, my mind thinks back in time when this day arrives. I find myself thinking about Christi and Bobby more than I normally do. I wonder many things. Are they married? Do I have grandchildren? Are they happy? Are they serving Christ? Are they missing me as much as I miss them? Do they remember their daddy and me? I wonder.

Yet, God has given Mark and me the grace to continue despite the pain, despite the unknowing, despite our broken hearts where our precious two older children are concerned. God has shown His love and care to our family. And, we believe we are blessed.

Today, I am totally and completely exhausted. Mark and I had a 20 hour day yesterday chaperoning his band students to a concert festival and then a trip to Six Flags over Georgia. We awoke to raging storms and yet still proceeded to shower and get ready for our church service. Both boys went with us today. It was so good to see their faces as I sat in the choir loft. After the choir special, the choir left the loft and sat with our families. That is not a normal happening in our church.

This was Dr. Perry’s last Sunday as our pastor. I ache inside. I have come to dearly love Margaret and Dr. Perry. Mark adores both of them. I wonder what changes God might have in store for my husband’s ministry. Yet, again, I believe we are blessed. The Perry’s have enriched my life.

Mark and the boys wanted to take me out for Sunday dinner but I didn’t want to fight the crowds. I just wanted a still day with my sons. I had baked a big hen on Friday evening and had put it in the refrigerator. I told Mark that I wanted to come home and cook some veggies and eat here. So, that’s what we did. I made stir fry fresh green beans, summer squash with sweet Vidalia onions chopped in them and baked potatoes.

I didn’t tell Mark this but whenever we eat summer squash, I think about his daddy. Mark’s daddy loved to garden. He grew the most wonderful squash, beans, peas, and watermelon. I am thankful for sweet memories. I am blessed.

Today at church, I was one of two moms who had four children. So, we each won a bouquet of roses because we were the moms with the most children. When I sat down, my friend who sits next to me in choir, leaned over and said, “I didn’t know that you had four children.” I just smiled and nodded. Smiles can be such a façade. She didn’t know the pain behind that smile. Thankfully, by the end of service she had forgotten her question and didn’t seek me out to ask more questions. I was blessed.

Oh, back to our dinner. Mark wanted to know if I had everything needed to finish dinner. I told him that I only needed the ingredients to make my strawberry cake. We stopped at the grocery store, and purchased fresh berries, sour cream, whipped topping and cake mix. The cake is made. Paul came in the kitchen when I was icing it and ended up helping me complete the cake. This cake was my sweet daughter’s favorite cake. It was the one she’d request for her birthday. While the memories are sweet, they also bring sorrow. But, God is good and He gives me strength to endure.

My thoughts and emotions are so mixed today, yet, I have an assurance. My Christ loves me and my family. I choose daily to trust in His love. I am blessed.

Michael and Me

Paul and Me

Being Silly

Paul, me and Michael

Mark and the boys

Mark and Me: two very tired parents!