Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Pondering on what inspires...

I find it so interesting what folks find inspiring. There are normal things that I do when I need to be inspired to keep on keeping on such as listening to music, reading the Bible, writing, praying, or talking with a friend who I know will encourage me. There are certain passages in Isaiah that I go to or certain ones in Philippians. Unfortunately, there are times when ALL of my usual tactics fail. I do realize that they most likely fail because of the condition of my heart. But, the heart is a delicate thing and it is easily wounded.

Sometimes, I will just sit on the back porch and watch the pond and the sky. Other times I try to stay VERY busy so that my mind has no time to sit and ponder. Lately, I have been fighting overwhelming sadness in regard to Christi and Bobby - in regard to losing my entire family.

This week and last week, I have really not spent much time with God. I know that this is not a good thing for me and truly I have no excuse other than I want Him to answer some of my biggest and most heartfelt prayers with a resounding, "Yes." I feel ignored. Notice, I am talking feelings here and not what my mind tells me is the truth. My feelings are raw and they ache.

The truth is - I am sad. I have been sad for years. Even my happier times are filtered through this sadness. I want to see my oldest two children's faces in the land of the living. I want to get the opportunity to share the rest of my life with them. I want to hear about their growing up years. I want to rejoice about their successes and cry in their failures. I want to hold them in my arms.

I want reconciliation with my sisters. I want them to admit that they were deceived and I want to laugh with them again. I want to begin making new and happy memories with them.

For some reason, God keeps answering my cries and prayers with silence or keeps saying wait or answers with a no. I do not like nor understand His answer. I do not understand why He allowed this to ever happen and certainly not why He has allowed it to continue. My reformed friends would say it's part of His sovereign plan; however, my free will friends would say that He allows men and women freedom of choice and He allowed it to happen because of the sin present in this world. Whatever the reason, it has not been a joyful experience.

Therefore, I am sad. Bobby's birthday is Nov. 16. He will be 34. I have missed too many to count.

I believe and hope that God will send encouragement and I would love it to be in the form of my children.

Phil. 4: 6 & 7, NIV
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Not sure that this verse has anything to do with my sorrow but I hope that God's peace will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

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