Aaron and Deborah
The Family
Bride and Groom with the Hosts
While driving home on Tuesday, I received a text message from Joan, Mark’s sister, that their mom had suffered from a heart attack in the wee hours of the morning. Thankfully, Stan, Mark’s older brother, was able to get Charlotte to the hospital and she was in surgery within two hours. God really worked in this situation on her behalf. And, we are so thankful that Mark’s brothers and sisters live so close to his mom. Joan has been great about keeping us informed. Please keep Mark’s mom and his family in prayers.
Paul began his Eagle Project this past week. Unfortunately, he began his project on some of the hottest days of the summer. However, he has to continue and get the work completed due to his upcoming eighteenth birthday next month. He is renovating his church’s playground. One of the younger Scout’s dads has been a tremendous help to this project. Mark is already working doing band camp and has been unable to assist except on Saturday. Another Scout’s dad met Paul at Lowes at pick up all of the supplies. Paul has been blessed by these dads. We are grateful. (I will add photos of project later!)
Lauri’s son is getting married this coming Saturday. We will be attending the wedding and rejoicing with this young godly couple. Aaron is such an amazing young man and we look forward to getting to know his beautiful bride in the coming years.
Two weeks after being told Mark’s clavicle was broken, we were informed that it was not broken. This information was only found out after several unreturned phones calls to the doc’s office. However, Mark is still in much pain and has an appointment to see a specialist. The appointment is scheduled for August 17 which is over one month since his fall off of the ladder. I find this unacceptable and will be trying to schedule him an appointment at a more reasonable date! His blood pressure is high even with his meds and he has a terrible hacking cough. Mark says that he is calling the doctor’s office, again, to try and get some relief from both the pain and the cough. Nothing that they have done or prescribed has worked.
Michael has moved home for a couple of weeks between breaks in his semester from college. He appears to have done pretty good, grade wise, this semester. He is beginning his last year of college. He would have graduated this past May except he changed his major which added a year to his education.
My Sunday school class was full this morning! Praise God!!!
Please keep Mark and his sweet mother in your prayers this week. Also, pray for Mark’s siblings as they are trying to take care of Charlotte and make wise decisions. Oh, Mark’s baby sister is turning 50.... she may need a few prayers, too. Pray for Paul and those helping with his Eagle Project. Pray for a reprieve of this hot weather.
To God be the Glory!
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