Saturday, March 14, 2009

How to Pray

There are some situations where I really do not know how to pray. Words fail me and occasionally my thoughts are not what I need to express in prayer. I find at those times, I am at a crossroad. On one hand, I know that the Father already knows all of my conflicting thoughts and emotions. Reason would tell me that I can just let it all out in prayer and that He will understand.

On the other hand, while I believe that to be true I wonder if He is allowing me to travel through a situation to test my character. Possibly, these are times to discover if I will actually recall scripture on how to pray when people disappoint, wound, or slander me.

Here lies the decision that I have to make at this junction. How am I supposed to pray for myself and those that have caused me conflict? In thinking of scripture, I should probably pray, “Father, forgive them,” or “Father, help me in my affliction to be a reflection of you.”

While this is easy advice to give to others, it is often intimidating when I am faced with employing it in my own life. After all, God knows if I have forgiven those for whom I am praying. He knows the condition of my heart. Perhaps, the testing is transpiring in my heart. Will I pray and act in such a way that proves I have faith during these times? Will I pray for God to forgive a person who is acting in an unrighteous manner believing that He will give me a heart of true forgiveness for them, too?

God does not have a problem with forgiving an offense. I am the one that battles in this area. Consequently, I am reminded that I must crucify the flesh in order to be a more pleasing likeness of Christ. I am called “to take up His cross” and not despair over the physical trappings and heartaches of the present age. I am to look with anticipation toward an eternal future. When I do this, the conflicts of this world are put into a proper perspective and I am free to live without condemnation.


Kearsmom said...

So true. So hard to do. Thanks for your honesty...and for the reminder of His faithfulness!

r said...

((((Debbie)))) What a great reminder of Who He is.

Leah-Joy said...

Thank you Miss Debbie.
Here lately I have been batlling with forgivenss and I really need that! Thank you again and again. Please pray that i will have forgiving heart. Thank you for your honesty.

Your sister in Christ,

Deborah said...

You a truly a saint, who in their affliction, is a reflection of Christ. My heart continues to break for you. I continue to pray that there WILL be a reunion, a time of healing, a Jubilee for your family.

I love you dearly.