Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just saying..........

I have a three day week-end!! Wowhooo! We are off on Monday for MLK holiday. I should be cleaning and ironing this chilly Saturday morning but instead I am checking up on the ladies from my board, reading blogs, and watching television with my sweet husband.

Oh, our news. Mark has accepted a new church position. He will be pastor of a small church in our area. I covet your prayers as we prepare to minister and lead at this church. Please pray that God can use us to His glory.

We are sad to be leaving Twin City Baptist Church since we have served there for two and a half years. However, it became evident that we should make a move at this time. Pray for them, too. I believe that they need many prayers.

I will write more later. Now, I am going to go find Mark and watch the shows we taped last night.

Blessings to each of you,


Leah-Joy said...

Well, I think that as much as you have been doing, you deserve a restful Saturday!

Karren said...

Three day weekends are the greatest! I'm glad you enjoyed some down time. We'll be covering your family and your church in prayer, Debbie.

Hope said...

I love you Mrs. Debbie! It's so good to hear from you.

Hope :)

Leah-Joy said...

Hey Miss Debbie!
Just wanted to stop by and say hey! Hope that you are doing good!

You and your precious family will be in our prayers.