I am on summer break from working on my Master in Theological Studies. I plan on enjoying this break from studying. Well, studying for school. I am teaching 5 year-olds in VBS. Not sure how THAT happened since I requested older children, teens, or adults. While I LOVE children, I am not thirty anymore and I simply do not have the energy or body to keep up with a class of energetic little people. Of course, being told that I was given the most-wild age group at our church isn’t very encouraging.
I plan on beginning to prepare my decorations and lessons for my group of children. Thankfully, I have a young mom helping me. I am trying to keep a positive attitude!
I teach an adult Sunday school class – which I love. I love digging into the word and sharing the deep and vital truths of the scriptures. My class is growing and the members are wonderful. They usually have so much to add and I feel that we learn from each other.
On June 1, I am beginning a Women’s Bible study. I am so thrilled!!! Of course, I am researching and writing my studies. One of the ladies, asked me to do a lesson on how to study the Bible. So, I am beginning to prepare that one week study. I may make a PowerPoint to help facilitate the study. My next lessons will be on the Genesis Account of creation and the flood and why believing Genesis is so very important because it links to the salvation message of Christ. I **think** that series will be about 3 weeks. I wrote a research paper on that topic for one of my classes and believe that I should teach this while it’s still fresh on my mind. I need to create a PowerPoint and some handouts for those lessons.
Okay, enough about me!! Let’s see, Mark will be on summer break after this coming Monday! I am so happy. I love this man and so enjoy being with him. God was so gracious in giving him to me as a husband. I don’t think that Mark has a lot planned for the summer other than doing some church work, and my honey-do list. It’s not that long..... well, not really!! Haha!
Michael has moved to his college campus for several weeks of this summer. He is coming home this week-end to finish learning HOW to drive the VW stick- shift we bought him. Then, he will take that car back to campus and Mark will miss it. Michael is taking 12 hours this summer and will be completing his degree this coming school year.
Paul is Paul. He is always on the go. He’s finishing up a few assignments to complete his 11th grade year. He meets with District Tuesday night to get his final approval on his Eagle project and hopefully, will get it completed the month of June. Right now, plans are for him to take some college courses along with his senior year.
One of my very best friend’s sons is getting married in August. I am helping to give them a wedding tea, probably in July. And, we also plan on helping Lauri with some major painting this summer, too.
Speaking of painting, I painted the toilet room off the master bathroom yesterday. I really like the color and told Mark that we should paint the great-room this color, too. He just looked at me! I don’t think that he was thrilled with that opportunity.
I went to my niece’s blog and she has been approved for one of the studies. So, she begins treatment in Texas. Please pray that these treatments work. Mark and I are praying for Sandy daily – as the Lord puts her on our minds and heart. She seems like a cool young woman. Regardless of this treatment, I am assured that God can heal Sandy. He created her and knows her body and is able to bring about a healing in her life. Please pray to that end.
Well, I guess I have rambled long enough. I hope everyone is blessed!!