We spent a quiet Father's day. All of us helped prepare Dad a meal of steak, ribs, corn, and other yummy fixings. And, we had Mark's favorite, banana pudding for dessert.
Mark and Michael, Father's Day 2009
Mark and Paul, Father's Day 2009
Paul's youth group had a gathering on the pond over at Steve's house. Here's a shot from that afternoon.
Paul's youth group on the pond. July, 2009
My friend, Linda, flew up from Florida. She spent 10 days visiting. We went to Savannah and Hilton Head for 5 days for her visit.
Linda, July, 2009
The view from our room at Hilton Head.
Mandi and Taylor, July 2009 Mandi stayed with us while her parents were on vacation. Taylor arrived on Saturday night to surprise her.
A rare photo: Mandi and Taylor cleaning the kitchen!
This past Saturday, a dear friend's daughter got married. We have known the Dean's for 17 or 18 years! Wow! Where has the time flown?
Leah and Kenaz, Saturday, August 1, 2009
Me and Danna at Leah's wedding.